Give feedback on Spinni events!
We want to offer the best possible electronic music events for the students of Tampere. For that purpose, we opened a feedback form. All bouquets and brickbats regarding our events are welcome!
We want to offer the best possible electronic music events for the students of Tampere. For that purpose, we opened a feedback form. All bouquets and brickbats regarding our events are welcome!
Welcome to Spinni’s spring general meeting on the 27th of April at 6 pm. The meeting is held at K1704 Auditorium in Konetalo of Hervanta Campus. Contact the board’s chair at or @huovinenonhuomenna on Telegram with any questions regarding the meeting. The agenda for the meeting and the financial statements and annual report for …
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This time Spinni’s Sauna will take you to the carnival. Grab a friend and come to Teekkarisauna at 8pm on the 7th of April.
You can now apply for club official positions! The application form will be open until 6.1.2021. You can choose to apply for an existing position or create your own. Feel free to ask us for more information, for example in Telegram @huovinenonhuomenna
Want to apply for the board of Spinni? The board of Spinni will be elected at the general meeting! Search for officers for the year 2022 will take place around the turn of the year. Short descriptions of the roles in the board of Spinni.
Welcome to the spring general meeting on the 30th of November 2021. The meeting takes place in Room K1705 in Konetalo at 6 pm. Participation requires membership in Spinni! Relevant attachments (unfortunately only in Finnish):
Spinni’s spring general meeting will be held 27.4.2021 at 17 o’clock. The meeting will be streamed from K1704 and remote participation is strongly recommended. Link will be provided later. Read the meetings agenda (in Finnish). Feel free to ask any questions about the meeting from the Chairman via email or in Telegram @banaani120
Vuoden 2021 hallitukseen valittiin kokouksessa seuraavat henkilöt: The following persons were elected to the board for the year 2021. chair: Olli Tammenlarvatreasurer: Lisa Kiukasrentals: Vili Lindcommunications: Anselmi Ojalaevents: Eetu Huovinensecretary: Liisa Äijäläclub room: Otto puhakka Congratulations!
Welcome to Spinni general meeting on the 26th of November 2020 at 18 in Konetalo K1704, Hervanta campus. Masks are required if safe distances can’t be guaranteed. Autumn general meeting chooses the Spinni board for the next year.Online participation is possible, but one can’t participate in decision making if not present in the meeting room. …
Continue reading “Summons to general meeting on the 26th of November 2020”
Spinni general meeting will be held on 5.11. 18.00 at Festia main auditorium, Hervanta campus. General meeting agenda has been sent to members via email and is available for reading at Spinni notice board. Note that masks are compulsory at university.